EMS workout

What are Muscle Fibers, and How are They Targeted with EMS?

When developing a workout regimen, most people assume that they will see results if they devote time to working out. And while this is true to some extent, individuals can maximize their results by developing a basic understanding of the different types of tissue in the body and how they work.

What Are Muscle Fibers

Everyone has muscle fibers in their body, including three different types of muscle tissue. Two of these are involuntary and function without conscious thought. The involuntary muscles are cardiac muscle tissue found in the heart and smooth muscle tissue in major internal organs. The muscle tissue responsible for the voluntary movement of the body is called skeletal muscle.

Skeletal muscle is comprised of individual muscle fibers, and there are two different types of skeletal muscle fibers. Both of these types have different functionality, and it is crucial to understand the differences and how they relate to exercise and workout regimens.

Types of Muscle Fibers

Slow-twitch, or type I, muscle fibers support long-distance and endurance activities, like maintaining posture and running marathons. These muscle fibers are fatigue-resistant and focus on small, sustained movements. They contain more mitochondria and myoglobin than type II muscle fibers. More capillaries surround these muscle fibers to support aerobic metabolism and prevent fatigue. They produce less force than type II fibers and are slower to maximal tension. But they can maintain longer-term contractions.

Fast-twitch, or type II, muscle fibers are bigger and deliver more power, but they only work for shorter durations and quickly fatigue. They have less blood supply and are more anaerobic. Within the type II classification are two sub classifications. Type IIx fibers produce the most force, but they are very inefficient based on high myosin ATPase activity, low oxidative capacity, and heavy reliance on anaerobic metabolism. Type IIa fibers are also referred to as intermediate muscle fibers. The reason for this classification is because they are a mix of type I and type IIx fibers. As a mixture, these fibers can use both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. They have a higher oxidative capacity and fatigue slower than type IIx fibers.

Skeletal muscles contain both types of fibers, but the ratios can be different based upon factors such as muscle function, training, and age.

EMS Workouts and Muscle Fibers

With standard workouts, type I muscle fibers are developed through endurance training, and type II fibers are developed through strength training. Both of these types of training require voluntary movement and deliberate thought. This means the individual chooses to work out, and their brain sends an electrical signal to the muscle group responsible for the movement to make it happen.

Generally speaking, fast-twitch fibers are harder to develop because they only take over once the slow-twitch fibers become fatigued. EMS workouts replaces the need for the brain to send signals to your muscless, telling them to contract. The electrical signal from the EMS unit is more powerful than what the brain can signal. More importantly, EMS signals activate the fast-twitch fibers before the slow-twitch muscle fibers have become fatigued. The change in the order of muscle fiber activation is responsible for the dramatic results many individuals experience when participating in EMS workouts. While EMS is effective even when conducted as a passive activity, it is far more effective when used as part of a whole-body workout.

In addition to activating the type II fibers for building muscle and strength, EMS increases circulation in targeted muscles. The process results in an optimal mechanism for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues. The result is that both types of muscle fibers fatigue less quickly, increasing stamina and endurance. EMS workouts often result in increased flexibility too.

EMS intensities and speeds can be controlled, and the settings can be adjusted based on one’s fitness goals and level of training. EMS workouts can be part of a whole-body approach or target specific muscle groups to meet certain fitness goals.

The reality is that EMS can deliver a physiological response that cannot be achieved with a traditional workout. EMS workouts can activate approximately 30% more fibers in any muscle than voluntary flexing alone. This data demonstrates that EMS can activate more muscle fibers and immediately activate both type I and type II fibers.

Getting a great workout and optimizing the performance of one’s body is a high priority for many people. But time is often a huge constraint. EMS workouts offer a solution by allowing individuals to maximize the effectiveness of their workouts. You can achieve greater results in less time. To learn more about EMS workouts, contact Bodybuzz – today.